Hot Sauce

Erin Jamieson

your words blister in my mouth  before sunrise, before my body wakes  your etch disappointment in tetra colored  glances, the way you grip my hands  as I assemble goat cheese omlettes  reminds me of that evening- two months in--  you kissed my neck only to whisper  you loved me enough  to make sure I stayed  safe from everyone else but  steam mists windows mists  my eyes: I cannot see well but  I see more clearly than all these months  I toss hot sauce on the kitchen floor  grab my keys & leave your mess  behind

Erin Jamieson (she/her) holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University. Her writing has been published in over eighty literary magazines, including a Pushcart Prize nomination. She is the author of a poetry collection (Clothesline, NiftyLit, Feb 2023). Her latest poetry chapbook, Fairytales, is available from Bottlecap Press. Twitter: @erin_simmer